Sunday, October 13, 2024

“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God”
Ephesians 2:8

THOSE SERVING TODAY:                                             


AM: Amanda & Ellie Stahl

PM: Lori Pals


AM: Andrew & Kristen VanderRoest

PM: Henry & Jan VanderWal


AM: Timothy Haaksma

PM: Timothy Haaksma

Song Service: Josh Lubben

Security: Grant Hintz

Coffee: Arlene Nobel

Offering for today: Christian Education

Ushers: Josh Lubben & Gary Lieffers


*Continue to pray for the following members of our congregation:  

Healthy pregnancies♥: Caroline Sousa, Bethany Tuinstra, Kristen VanderRoest & Melanie Veldkamp

*Our shut-ins: Albertha Martinie, Dora Vander Hulst, and Mary Lou Pals


Today: Celebration of Baptism of Linux Brown

& 11:10AM Sunday School & Catechism Class

Tuesday: 7PM Ladies' Evening Bible Study- Week 3


Tuesday, November 5 – 6:30 PM Consistory Meeting

Tuesday, November 12 – 7PM Council Meeting


Hearing Aid devices are available in the back of church for anyone upon request.
There are large print NKJV Bibles available in the back of church.
You are cordially invited for a time of coffee and refreshments in the Fellowship Hall following the morning service

Thank you for the prayers, cards and kind words regarding the recent passing of Jeff's mother. -Jeff & Ina Baukema

To our dear church family: Thank you so much to everyone for the gifts, well wishes, and the overwhelming love and support you have given me, Tom and our little one. Thank you, especially to the Fellowship Committee ladies who went above and beyond in throwing a beautiful shower. We can't wait for our baby to meet you all and love you as we do! Love, Tom, Bethany and Baby T.

Today we get to witness the administration of Baptism to Linux, son of Adlai and Angie Brown. May the Lord's covenant blessing always rest upon this little child of God. May this celebration be a reminder to us to put our trust for life and death in Christ our Savior, deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Him in obedience and love.

Freezer Meals! Caroline Sousa is due with blessing #4 this month! We are now collecting freezer meals to bless them with. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board and the meals can go in the freezer in the cadet room. Thank you!

Secret Sister Ministry! If you'd like to join us please fill out the paper on the bulletin board, and return it to the envelope TODAY!

Operation Christmas Child: The boxes are in and are ready to be filled! Please consider taking one or more home to fill. Boxes need to be returned no later than November 10! Also be in prayer for the child receiving your box as well as the other children being blessed with these wonderful gifts! If you have any questions, please see Heather Brown. Thank you!

A message from the Elders: Family visitations have started. We will be focusing on Proverbs 3:1-11, primarily verses 5&6. We would appreciate if all the members of the family be present during our visit. Thank you!

October 20, 2024

Morning Worship 9:30 A.M.

Rev. Jeph Nobel

Sermon: The Faith of the Fathers

Scripture Reading: John 4:46-54 / John 5:16-23

Scripture Text: John 5:19-20

Evening Worship 5:30 P.M.

Rev. Jeph Nobel

Sermon: Without Excuse (Pt II)

Scripture Reading: Job 38:1-21

Scripture Text: Belgic Confession Article 2 / Genesis 1:1

If you would like to add an announcement to our weekly bulletin, please email information to Angie at
Weekly deadline is Thursday at 1 PM.